A Christian tried to tell an old man who had suffered a lot in life that God loved him and had sent His Son to die for him. Instead of making the old man happy, he became very angry and said he was completely turned off by people who called themselves Christians. He brought up some of the bad conduct of some he knew and wanted nothing to do with people who called themselves Christians.
“Could I ask you one question, then?” the Christian said to him. “Suppose that I stole your coat and put it on. Then I went and robbed a bank. The police saw me escape and recognized your coat. What would you say when they came to accuse you of the robbery?”
The old man thought a while and then answered, “I would deny it, for the simple reason that my coat is not ME!”
“Well then,” the Christian replied, “just because some call themselves Christians is no proof that they really are. Jesus said, ‘Every tree is known by [its] own fruit’ (Luke 6:44), and if the fruit in a person’s life shows that he is anything but a Christian, then we have good reason to doubt that he is one. The Lord knows all who really are His own. The Bible says, ‘The Lord [knows] them that are His. And, let everyone that [names] the name of Christ depart from iniquity’ (2 Timothy 2:19). While we may fool others, and even ourselves, we will never fool God.”
This same old man later asked the Christian how he could be saved. The Christian explained that he must confess to God that he is a sinner and accept that Jesus died for his sins on the cross. The old man bowed his head and trusted his life to Christ. Then he embraced the visitor and thanked him for taking an interest in him. He pointed a finger to the sky as he said, “You wear His coat very well!”