Is it Yours?
Chapter 1.
I was born in sin and shapen in iniquity. Psa. 51.5.
I desired not the knowledge of God's ways. Job 21:14.
But lived in the pleasures of sin. Heb. 11:25.
And had no fear of God before my eyes. Rom. 3:18.
Chapter 2.
I awakened from my sleep. Jonah 1:6.
Saw that I was guilty before God. Rom. 3:19.
Dreaded the wages of sin—Death. Rom. 6:23.
And that which was after death—the Judgment. Heb. 9:27.
Chapter 3.
I learned that all my righteousnesses were
but filthy rags in God's sight. Isa. 64:6.
Saw that I was without strength and
unable to save myself. Rom. 5:6.
Read that salvation was not of works. Eph. 2:8, 9.
But was pointed to the Savior which God had provided, and saw that He had suffered
for my sins on the cross. 1 Peter 3:18.
And that God was now offering me a complete
pardon through Him. Acts 13:38, 39.
Chapter 4.
I believed on the Lord Jesus Christ
and was saved. Acts 16:31.
Was justified and forgiven the very
moment I believed. Acts 13:38, 39.
Am therefore at peace with God
through our Lord Jesus Christ. Rom. 5:1.
I also have joy in God through Him. Rom. 5:11.
Chapter 5.
I am now waiting for God's Son
from heaven. 1 Thess. 1:10.
And know that I shall be
forever with the Lord. 1 Thess. 4:17.
In the Father's house. John 14:2.
To sing unto Him that loved me and
washed me from my sins in His own blood. Rev. 1:5.