My Place and My Power to Walk

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 3
What is my place and my power to walk? God has raised me up together with His Son, and given me the Spirit; and because of that I go on, and everything that is not of Him I have to judge. The walk of the Spirit is one of separation from all that is not of the Father. Believers ought to walk as being dead, buried, and risen with Christ; as those who are espoused to their heavenly Bridegroom, saying, "We cannot do what He would not like." Nature may say, "I should like that, or wish this"; but the answer is, "No; you belong to Christ; and if Christ's wish is contrary to yours, you are not to have your own." By His blood He has brought you into the place where He now is, and you can say, "I will give it up; I will count that dead to which He died. It has death upon it; I give it up." G.V.W.