“That I may know Him.”
I do not ask that I may steer
My bark by peaceful shores alone,
Nor that I linger, harbor-bound,
And sail no stormy seas unknown;
I only ask this boon of Thee:
Be ever in the ship with me.
I do not ask that I may dwell
From din of battle far removed,
Nor ever feel temptation’s force,
Nor ever know my armor proved;
I only ask, through life’s long fight,
Grant me the power of Thy might.
I do not ask that I may walk
Only on smoothly trodden grass,
Nor ever climb the mountain’s height
And trembling, through its dangers pass;
I only ask, on rocks or sand,
The sure upholding of Thy hand.
I dare not pray for any gift
Upon my pilgrim path to heaven;
I only ask one thing of Thee:
Give Thou Thyself, and all is given;
I am not strong or brave or wise;
Be Thou with me — it shall suffice.
A. J. Flint