While, in the house of a friend, I went one day to my room and found the baby of the house playing with my Bible. I quite startled the little fellow by exclaiming,
“O Andrew! give it to me, my precious Bible!”
He handed it to me at once, for he knew that he ought not to have it, and later on he begged of his mother an old coverless book which he showed to me, saying triumphantly,
“See my precious Bible.”
I hope as he grows older that Andrew will find the Bible a precious book indeed. It is my earnest prayer for all my young friends that they may believe its precious truths, trust in the Saviour revealed there, and be faithful to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, sent by God to teach us all things.
We read much in the 119th Psalm of the Word of God and what it was to the writer. We are told in the New Testament of the life, death and resurrection of the Saviour Jesus.
Will you not add to your prayers this petition, that you may always love and honor God’s Word?
May the Word of God become so precious to us that we may say,
“O how I love Thy Law (Thy Word)! it is my meditation all the day.” Psalms 119:97.
“The Word of the Lord endureth Forever.” 1 Peter 1:25.
ML 02/06/1938