"My Saviour Makes No Mistakes"

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Mrs. Dennis entered the big hospital, and paused for a moment just inside the door. She dosed her eyes, and once more asked the Lord for the wisdom needed to carry on her work. She carried with her some portions of the Word of God, and she intended to visit among some of the sick ones, with the good news of the gospel.
After a few bedside visits, she stopped to chat with a young woman sitting in a wheel chair. She had two artificial legs, and yet her face was filled with contentment and sunshine. She was a Ukrainian, and Mrs. Dennis began to sympathize with her in the terrible accident she had endured in losing both her legs.
“My Saviour makes no mistake’s,” said the young lady. “My Saviour does nothing unkind. He gave His life for me. I will bless Him at all times.”
Then she explained that the accident had happened the very day before she and her husband were to sail for Canada. For months she lay in the hospital, between life and death. She often gazed at a picture of the Lord which hung near her bed. “Does He know, — does He care?” she would ask herself. But a picture can give no comfort, nor answer any questions. She knew that her questions must be answered by the Word of God, and so she asked the nurse to bring her a Bible.
For many days, she spent her time reading the blessed Word of God, and in it she found the wondrous story of the love of God in sending the Lord Jesus to die for sinners. Humbly and thankfully she received the Lord Jesus as her Saviour.
She will never be able to follow out her plan to move to Canada, but she knows now that she has a home in heaven, and she is filled with joy in the knowledge that the Lord Jesus Christ is her Saviour.
It may be that the Lord has blessed you with health and strength, and yet you have never thanked Him for the best gift of all — Himself. Can you say, with the Apostle Paul, “The Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me.” Galatians 2:20.
ML 06/21/1959