A FEW months ago I felt led of the Lord to go and see a man who was ill and not likely to get better. Sad to say, he had no concern about his soul.
On reaching the house I found that the little family had increased since my last visit, an aunt of the man’s, who was over eighty years of age, having come to live with them. After a little chat with her and the man’s wife, I went near to the invalid, and began talking to him of our great need as sinners with eternity in front of us. I spoke of our being utterly ruined and without strength, of the provision God has made in His love for us, of the wonderful love of the Lord Jesus in coming out of the ivory palaces to this world of woe to live for thirty-three years a perfect life, and then at the close to offer Himself a spotless sacrifice to God for us. I told him how God had accepted that sacrifice, and how the Lord Jesus had gone into death, and was raised up the third day, and how the heavens received Him.
It had been great joy to my soul about that time to think of the heavens receiving my saviour, the One Who bore my sins, and I spoke of how perfect the work of the Lord Jesus, and how perfectly it was finished; but it made no impression on the man and my heart was sad. After pleading with him further I rose to go.
I said “Goodbye” to the man, and turned to the old lady. I had not thought of her at all, but God had. She rose from her chair as I wished her “Good-bye,” and said; “I thank you, ma’am, for coming here this afternoon; these things have always been a mist to me, but now I can see my way clear to heaven.” “The Lord Jesus did it all.” Overcome with joy, she began to praise the Lord.
The words of the Lord were, “The wind bloweth where it listeth,” and how true in this case. (John 3:8.)
A little time after, two brothers were visiting the house, and the old lady began to tell them what had happened on that happy afternoon. She ended by saying, “As I heard what the lady said I turned away from my sins and myself and the world to my Saviour.”
May I ask you, Have you done this? Have you turned away from your sins and yourself and the world? A great many turn away from their sins to themselves; but it is of no use. You cannot be your own saviour; you are a sinner; you are no good for God; you must turn away from yourself too. There is only one Man for God. God is absolutely satisfied with Him, and if you are not hiding in Him, and accepted in Him, you are LOST.
So often we see people turning for a moment away from their sins, but not to the Lord Jesus. They think they can lead a different life, and satisfy God that way. It is a way in which Satan is luring thousands to hell. If this is your case, and you are discouraged with yourself, give it up. It is a refuge of lies, and one day the hail will sweep it away. Turn to the Lord Jesus. Rest your soul on Him. Hide there.
There is no refuge,
There is no refuge,
There is no refuge but Jesus.
Trust in Him, sinner;
Trust in Him, sinner:
Trust in Him, sinner;
He is the Refuge you need.
The old lady also said she had turned away from the world. What a blessing we get to our souls as we do this! The world is a place where souls are trying to be happy without the Lord Jesus, but nobody is, for man is so created that nothing but Jesus satisfies.
A little while ago I again visited my old friend, and after inquiring as to her health I asked her about her spiritual welfare.
This is the reply I got: “Today I have been enjoying that verse of the hymn,
“Peace, perfect peace,
In this dark world of sin;
The Blood of Jesus whispers
Peace within.”
May you and I know more of this wonderful PEACE.
Christ is my Refuge,
Christ is my Refuge,
He is the Refuge for sinners.
In Him I am hiding,
In Him abiding;
He is the Refuge for you.
F. C. C.
In Eden the enmity of man’s heart first appeared. Man believed the devil’s lie rather than God’s word; his rebellion, then declared, ran on century after century, till at Calvary’s cross man consummated his guilt by slaying the Son of God. Such is the history of man as reviewed by the Spirit of God. Dear reader, be reconciled to God.