My Spirit Is Faint and Weary

 •  1 min. read
My spirit is faint and weary,
I sigh for the land I love;
I pant for that blessed country,
Where all is peace and love.
I long for the glorious brightness,
Those heavenly courts to see;
To gaze on the King in His beauty,
On my Lord who died for me!
But hers in the wilderness weary,
Will I go where He points the way;
And the darker the desert journey,
The brighter will seem that day.
When I gaze on my Lord, my Saviour,
And His own loved face I’ll see;
And praise, and worship Him ever,
For His boundless grace to me!
And then through the countless ages
Of those never-ending years;
In that land of joy and glory,
Neither sin, nor clouds, nor tears:
Yea there will I sing the praises
Of Jesus who so loved me;
Who bled, who died, who rose again,
That I ever might with Him be.
Come Lord, I’m faint and weary,
With the burden and heat of the clay;
With the conflict with sin and Satan,
And the darkness of the way.
Come Lord, I am watching, waiting,
Tarry not, O Lord, but come,
And take thine own longing pilgrim
On high to thy Father’s home.
M. E. B.