Nahalal; Nahallal; Nahalol
“Nahallal” From Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:
(Josh. 19:15). [NAHALAL.]
“Nahalal” From Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:
(pasture). Levitical city in Zebulun (Josh. 21:35).
“Nahalol” From Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:
(Judg. 1:30). [NAHALAL.]
Concise Bible Dictionary:
Levitical city in Zebulun (Josh. 19:15; Josh. 21:35; Judg. 1:30). Identified with Ain Mahil, 32° 44' N, 35° 21' E.
Strong’s Dictionary of Hebrew Words:
or Nahalol {nah-hal-ole'}; the same as 5097; Nahalal or Nahalol, a place in Palestine
KJV Usage:
Nahalal, Nahallal, Nahalol
Jackson’s Dictionary of Scripture Proper Names:
more properly "Nahalal" : being tended—see Nahalal
Potts’ Bible Proper Names:
Often led; strength; pasture:―a place in Palestine [NAHALAL], Judg. 1:30. {Ductus saepe}