Men clinging to an upturned and sinking boat are in need of salvation, and they know it. They long for deliverance and look this way and that hoping to see some signs of rescue. Alas! many in such peril look and cry out in vain. They are far from helpers and find but a watery grave.
On every side there are those today who need, not temporal, but eternal salvation.
They are in dire danger of everlasting woe.
They live as those who are unaware of their peril, or else they are blinded and go on their way as though there were no death, no judgment, no eternity before them.
God be thanked that there is salvation for all who call upon the name of the Lord today. "Look unto ME and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth," is His invitation.
Happy indeed are those who have accepted that invitation and have looked and are saved.