Even though Nehemiah was very sad about the condition of his brethren and the city where God had dwelt in the temple (Jerusalem) before it was destroyed, he still had to do a very important job each day. He was responsible to bring wine to the king. In this job it was necessary that Nehemiah be happy in the king’s presence.
But one day when Nehemiah brought wine to the king, he was asked by Artaxerxes why he was sad. Nehemiah was very frightened by this question and prayed to God for help. God did help him, and Nehemiah told the king the truth about why he was so sad.
The king then asked Nehemiah a very wonderful question - Artaxerxes asked Nehemiah what he wanted. When Nehemiah told him he wanted to go back to Jerusalem to rebuild the city where his relatives had lived, the king granted him permission, and thus Nehemiah became the special servant of God to be in charge of the rebuilding of the wall around Jerusalem. Let’s rest in our journey through the Bible while you look for the answers to these questions.
1. God sent fire and brimstone to ____________ all the wicked people who lived in Sodom after Lot left the city. Luke 17:___
2. Christians who suffer because they want to please God will be ____________ even in their suffering. 1 Peter 3:___
3. Martha wanted the Lord Jesus to tell her sister Mary to come and ____________ her with the housework. Luke 10:___
4. Because Jesus told the ____________ about what they were in God’s sight, the Jews wanted to kill Him. John 8:___
5. The wise men came from the east because they were looking for Jesus who had been born and whose star they had seen. They came to the city of ____________ thinking that they would find Him there. Matthew 2:___