“Well, I cannot understand why a man who has tried to lead a good, moral life, should not stand a better chance of heaven than a wicked one,” said a lady, a few days ago, in a conversation with others about the matter of salvation. “Simply for this cause,” answered one: “Suppose you and I wanted to go into a place of interest where the admission-fee was one dollar. You have fifty cents, and I have nothing. Which would stand the better chance of admission?”
“Neither,” was the solemn reply.
“Just so; and therefore the moral man stands no better chance than the out breaking sinner. But suppose a kind and rich person who saw our perplexity, presented a ticket of admission to each of us at his own expense! What then?”
“Well, then we could both go in alike; that is clear.”
“Thus, when the Saviour saw our perplexity, He came, He died, and thus obtained eternal redemption for us (Heb. 9:12), and now He offers you and me a free ticket. Only take good care that your fifty cents do not make you proud enough to refuse the free ticket, and so be refused admittance at last.”
Reader, there is a solemn moment coming! Have you the ticket of admission?
“All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” (Rom. 3:23).
“Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” (1 Tim. 1:15).