Nettie went out bright and happy, wheeling her “dolly,” to meet her father who had been absent for a week, and was returning with the morning train. Hastening along the quiet lane which leads from her pretty home, the clear child sang in the gladness of her heart, one of her favorite hymns. A man hearing the sweet voice, was moved to tears.
Once he had known a Christian’s mother’s love, and learned at her knee the story of Jesus.
Nettie’s morning hymn was the first link in the chain that drew him to the Saviour. Nettie was a saved child, she knew Jesus, and her delight was to tell others of Him.
What a blessing you might he to others, if saved yourself. But the first thing is, You must be saved, before you can serve the Lord Jesus Christ.
“He that believeth on the Son, hath everlasting life.” John 3:36.
ML 06/28/1936