Never Alone! (#46)

How many times discouraged, we sink beside the way,
About us all is darkness, we hardly e’en can pray;
Then from the mists and shadows, the sweetest voice e’er known
Says, Child, am I not with thee, never to leave thee alone?
No, never alone! No, never alone!
He promised never to leave me, never to leave me alone!
No, never alone! No, never alone!
He promised never to leave me, never to leave me alone!
O soul, hast thou forgotten the tender word and sweet,
Of Him who left behind Him the print of bleeding feet?
I never will forsake thee, O child so weary grown;
Remember, I have promised, never to leave thee alone.
Take courage, wayworn pilgrim, though mists and shadows hide
The face of Him thou lovest, He’s ever at thy side;
Reach out thy hand and trust Him, and lo, the clouds have flown;
He smiles on thee who promised, never to leave thee alone.