"Never Perish"-Who?

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MY sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me: And I give unto them eternal life: and they shall never perish.” John 10:27, 28.
Listen— “They shall never perish!”
Who shall never perish, who?
We would learn to whom it speaketh,
Who, and whence they are, would know.
Listen—’tis the words of Jesus,
And ‘tis spoken of His sheep—
In His hand in perfect safety,
He has promised each to keep.
Born they were as sons of Adam,
Sinful, fallen, of the earth,
They have heard the word of Jesus,
And now have a heavenly birth.
Now from Satan’s power delivered,
Jesus takes them in His love;
They shall “never, never perish,”
He will bear them safe above.
ML 03/19/1933