Newborn Babies

 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 6
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The happiest place to visit in a hospital is the place where the newborn babies are kept. It is called the maternity ward. When you go there they usually let you in to an area where you can see the babies through big glass windows. They usually keep the babies in there when they aren’t with their mothers. You might think it would be a noisy place with lots of babies crying. But, no, most of them are sleeping, tucked into their tiny little beds with pink blankets for girls and blue blankets for boys.
Not all newborn babies are cute, at least it didn’t seem so to me when I visited. But if you’re the father or mother of one of those babies, then it seems like yours is the cutest and sweetest of them all.
How do the nurses keep from getting all the babies mixed up. How do they know which baby goes to which mother? To make sure they don’t get them mixed up, they put a little plastic bracelet on the baby’s wrist shortly after it’s born. The mother’s name is on that little bracelet. Most every mother knows her own baby anyway, but they can always check the little bracelet just to be sure.
Did you know that if you have accepted the Lord Jesus as your Saviour, you have been born a second time? You have been born into God’s family. Just like those little babies, you have a life that is brand new. The Bible says that “if any man be in Christ [saved from his sins], he is a new creature.” 2 Corinthians 5:17. We must have that new life to be able to go to heaven where Jesus is.
Jesus told Nicodemus that he had to be born again in order to see the kingdom of God (heaven). Nicodemus couldn’t understand what Jesus meant. He knew he couldn’t become a tiny baby again and be born of his mother. He asked Jesus what it meant to be “born again”.
Then Jesus explained that the need to be born again did not mean another natural birth; it meant a spiritual birth. And a spiritual birth is becoming a child of God by believing that Jesus died on the cross for our sins. Our natural life is a sinful life that cannot go to heaven. So we need the Lord Jesus to give us a new, everlasting life that cannot sin and can go to heaven. And He wants to give us that new, everlasting life right now! “He that believeth on the Son [has] everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth upon him.” John 3:36. Do you have that new life?
Newborn babies all speak the same language after they are born. They usually clench their fists, wrinkle up their faces, open their mouths as wide as they can, and cry their hardest. That usually gets the mother’s or nurse’s attention quickly. Usually it is a sign that the baby is very hungry. It wants milk! In 1 Peter 2:2 we are told, “As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow.” Every newborn needs food to grow. And a newborn child of God may get all the food he needs from the Word of God, the Bible.
Have you had any of that food today?