There are those today in certain countries who are paying the ultimate price for being Christians—their lives. The western world consists of so-called "Christian" nations, and little is known about what it means to suffer for Christ's sake. But as these nations become increasingly godless—morally and spiritually corrupt-the time may come when the true believer will discover the cost of being identified with a rejected Christ.
If this should happen, are you and I prepared to stand for Jesus, whatever the cost? We will not be unless He is everything—altogether lovely—to us.
I wonder if the reason we know so little of the reproach of Christ, even now, is because we speak so seldom of Him to others, because our lives are so conformed to this world?
There was a hero of the faith named Polycarp, who lived during a period of persecution. He was an outstanding man, a leader among Christians.
He was cruelly taken and brought before the proconsul, who commanded, "Swear, and I will release you; reproach Christ!"
Polycarp answered, "Eighty-six years I have served Him, and He never once wronged me. How then shall I blaspheme my King, who has saved me?"
He was taken to the stake and was burned. Without flinching, with eyes turned heavenward as if seeing some wondrous sight, he died in the Lord.
Polycarp had proved the Lord during his many years. When the testing time came, he was prepared, for he knew the reality of a living Savior.
Let us seek grace, my friends, to follow his faith- to prove and use Him and discover. He is as good as His word. We too will joyfully bear the reproach of Christ.
Above all, are we ready for the return of our Lord Jesus? Everything is shaping up fast for the end. Israel, Egypt, the Moslem world, the Western world, Russia and her satellites, are all taking their places according to the prophetic word. Soon our Lord and Savior will call us home to be with Himself, and then things will ripen overnight.
Many things seem to be ready for the end, and so we might wonder why He delays His coming. But God is allowing certain situations to offset others while He holds the reins and restrains all until the exact moment of His coming.
Every moment brings us closer to that in which we will see the One who loves us, who died for us, and who will delight to have us with Himself for eternity. "Even so, come, Lord Jesus" (Rev. 22:20).
Affectionately in the Lord,