Not a single thing against me,
All my judgment borne by Him,
On the cross of Calvary stricken,
Naught can now my vision dim,
For I see Him in the glory,
He who walked this earth below,
Judgment borne—triumphant, raised,
He—my life—is there I know.
All my dark offenses canceled,
He is my receipt in full,
Now in liberty I’m standing,—
I, who once was Satan’s tool.
Glory crowns the mighty Conqueror,
Settled all God’s righteous claims,
He the veil has rent asunder,
On His pierced hands our names.
God beholds me now as spotless,
Through the triumphs of that cross,
Counting Christ my glorious treasure,
And this world but empty dross.
Now I rest in God my Savior,
Glory in His blessed Name,
And would tell it far and often,—
Sound abroad His endless fame.