No Need of a Gun

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What a great number of books there are to be seen everywhere! School books, storybooks, cookbooks, and just about every other kind you can think about. And yet, there is one book that was written before any other, and still is bought in greater numbers than any other, and is worth more than all the others put together. Can you guess what it is? The Bible—the Word of God!
Would you like to hear a story about the power of the Word of God?
Many years ago, two men were traveling through the far west. Then there were not the roads and towns that we see today, and so when night came, they had to stop and seek shelter in a very small cabin. The man who lived in this cabin was a big, strong man and the travelers felt quite uneasy about sleeping there, but there was nothing else that they could do. One of them had a lot of money in his purse, and so the other one agreed to sit up all night, with his gun in his hand, in case there might be trouble.
After a good supper the men went to their room. One climbed into bed while the other sat up with his gun in his hand, listening for any suspicious noise. He heard the big man shuffling around, and decided he ought to look through the crack in the door, to see what was going on. Just as he looked out, he saw the man lift a big book down from the shelf, and open it carefully on the table. It looked very much like a big Bible, but he wasn’t too sure. After quite a long time of silent reading, the man replaced the Bible and then knelt down by his chair to pray.
Without another word, the traveler laid aside his gun and prepared to get into bed.
“I thought you were going to sit up and watch,” said his companion.
“There’s no need of it here. I just saw him reading a big Bible, and now he is out there praying. I’m going to sleep.”
I’m sure you will agree that there is no other book in the world that would have this effect on the two anxious travelers.
“The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes. The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever: the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether ... Moreover by them is Thy servant warned: and in keeping of them there is great reward.” Psalm 19:8-11.
This wonderful Book tells me of my sinful condition and of God’s holiness that cannot look upon sin. But it also tells me of God’s remedy for sin, the blood of Jesus Christ. Have you read this Book and believed it?
“Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” Psalm 119:105.
ML 05/06/1956