WHEN I was stationed at Bermuda, a draft of young soldiers was sent out to join my regiment. Amongst them was a smart corporal of good appearance and courteous manners.
The color-sergeant of the company to which he was posted had married a few years previously, at Gibraltar, a respectable young woman of that place, her mother being an Italian. Prior to the regiment leaving Gibraltar, the mother gave her daughter three old-fashioned gold rings, which were valuable as heirlooms, as well as for their antique designs.
Shortly after the corporal joined the company one of the rings was lost; a few months elapsed and then another, and soon after the last disappeared. The corporal had frequent recourse to the quarters of the color-sergeant, but everyone thought him such a nice fellow, that not a shadow of suspicion was cast upon him. Not long after the disappearance of the third ring the corporal went to bathe in a quiet cove in the island. He did not return; search was made, and he was found drowned. He had become entangled amongst some fishing lines, which he could not have noticed when entering the water. On his effects being examined, a small parcel of old calico was found in his knapsack, and very carefully wrapped therein were the three gold rings!
Now nothing but sheer covetousness could have induced this man to take them; though he had done the wrong, he acted in a most plausible manner, offering sympathy to the owners for their loss, and showing much interest in their hoped for recovery. Surely his conscience must have smitten him, smooth as were his manners! It is written, “There is nothing hid that shall not be known.” It was God’s purpose, no doubt, that this matter should be brought to light in the way it was, and we place the record before our readers by way of warning. We may be able to deceive one another, but God we cannot deceive. “There is not a thought in our hearts but, O Lord, Thou knowest it altogether.”
Is there a secret sin wrapped up in your heart, that you could almost wish even the eye of the Lord could not discern? How futile! He searches the heart, and tries the reins, and knows the inward thoughts of man, and, in His own way, He will bring to light every secret, however hidden it may be. VICTOR.