SOME time ago I was distributing gospel books from house to house, and inviting the people to attend some special gospel meetings that were being held in the neighbourhood where I was staying. At one house where I called a poor jaded, careworn-looking woman answered the door. I asked her if she would accept a little gospel book, and then asked her if she could go to any of the meetings that were being held. She tossed her head and said,
“I have got a lot of little children to attend to, and I have quite enough to do to attend to them; I have no time to go to meetings, or to think about my soul; that will have to go.”
Those words sent a thrill to my heart, and I said to her,
“No time to think about your precious soul that I has to live forever?”
I could say no more, for she shut the door, and I left that door asking the Lord to deal with that one, and lead her to see and feel she must find time to think about her soul, and where she was to spend eternity.
Oh! my dear reader, let me beseech of you not to let Satan blind you by telling you that you have so much to attend to that you cannot think about your soul. Do you think that excuse would do for God, when you stand before the Great White Throne, and tell Him you had “no time to think about your soul?”
Do not be deluded by the devil in any way. “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:2323For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; (Romans 3:23)), and “the wages of sin is death” (Rom. 6:2323For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Romans 6:23)); but God in His wondrous love and grace has provided a remedy for sin. He “so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
Will you not come to Him (ere the day of grace closes) as a lost and ruined sinner, and accept His free offer of pardon and peace? Nothing but the precious blood of the Lord Jesus can make you fit for the presence of a holy God; and His blood can make the vilest clean. Do be in earnest about your precious soul, and do not be like the poor woman, and say you have “no time to think.”
“Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Con 6:2). God does not promise us “tomorrow.” Soon, very soon, the Lord Jesus is coming to take His own to be with Him forever, and you would not like to be left behind for judgment, would you? But unless cleansed by the precious blood of the Lord Jesus, you can never enter Heaven.
May the Lord grant that you may be ready and waiting for the Son of God from Heaven, that you may spend an endless eternity of unutterable joy and bliss with the One Who so loved you as to give His precious life for you. Do be in earnest; time is short; “the coming of the Lord draweth nigh.”
S. S. B. G.