A Christian is not under law at all; he is dead to the law by the body of Christ. But it is one of the characteristics of modern rationalism, to take certain advances in truths which the church at large does not see, and to pervert them to evil. Here the conscience and spirit are identified; and the spirit gives no truth, but guides into it (that is, it is man's growing up into it); but there is no revealed truth. There is a life, an example: we are allowed “to know what our Lord doeth.” The human race is left to itself, to be guided by the teaching of the spirit within, which is only conscience. But it is left to itself; no truth given, no precepts ever found in the word; and in addition to all this the authority of God wholly set aside. The law we have is this conscience or spirit within-is not a law imposed on us by another power, but by our own enlightened will; we bow to the majesty of truth and justice; to God never. He may neither give truth nor impose a command: God's word-His precepts, the Spirit giving any truth, the authority of God, obedience-is wholly denied.
Now the scheme of Christianity is the opposite of this. It teaches of a Comforter, the Holy Ghost, who is sent by Christ from the Father; whom the Father sends in Christ's name; who comes and convinces the world. He testifies of Christ; and the disciples also bear witness. He does not speak of Himself; but what He hears He speaks. He was to teach the disciples all things, to show them things to come, to bring what Christ had said to their remembrance; and he who loved Him would keep His commandments, as he that hath His commandments and keepeth them, he it is that loves Christ.