“Hello, Tommy. Is y our mother home?”
“Yes, Mrs. Bolton. She’s upstairs—come right inside.”
Mrs. Bolton stepped inside and sat down with her Bible on her knee. Tommy went back to his chair in the corner and went on reading his book.
Very soon the two Christian women were talking eagerly and happily together about the soon return of the Lord Jesus. They had just been reading 1 Thessalonians, chapter 4, a few days before, and they were rejoicing in the knowledge that soon Jesus was coming to take all His redeemed people home.
Tommy was still sitting in a corner of the room with a book. Soon his book was closed and he was listening eagerly to the wonderful news.
“But there is a dark side to it,” said Mrs. Bolton, to his mother. “What about our neighbors and those in our families who have not taken Jesus as Saviour? They are not ready and will be left behind for judgment.”
Tommy was troubled. He knew he was a sinner and he knew he was not ready. The more he thought of the coming of the Lord Jesus, the more unhappy he felt. At last, after several days, he could bear it no longer, and he told his Uncle George all about it.
“Tommy, Jesus saved me and washed me from all my sins when I was a boy,” said Uncle George. “I am happy to know He is coming soon to take me home, and if you are afraid to meet Him, it must be because you have never taken Him as your Saviour. Do it tonight my boy, you have no time to waste.”
Silently Tommy rose and reached for his cap, and slowly he walked out the door. It was dark, but the stars were shining. After a little pause, he took off his cap, looked up to the sky, and said aloud, “Lord Jesus, I accept Thee as my Saviour. I believe Thy blood can cleanse me from all my sins.”
Then Tommy ran all the way home and told his father and mother that he was saved. Are you?
“Daily nearer draws His coming,
This makes all His own rejoice;
Who are they that fear to meet Him?
Such as now love not His voice.”
“They that were ready went in with Him to the marriage: and the door was shut.” Matthew 25:10.
ML 11/01/1953