Not Sure of Tomorrow

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 6
"I am not sure of tomorrow, I must have it settled tonight." These were the words of a young man at the close of a meeting where Christ crucified had been preached; and an immediate acceptance of Him had been urged upon all who had listened.
A companion was trying hard to persuade him to leave, telling him he could come back and hear the message again tomorrow. But the anxious lad would not risk the chance of that "tomorrow." He accepted Christ and was saved that night.
How many put off their acceptance of God's gospel till a "tomorrow" that never came? The devil seeks to ruin souls, getting them to delay—to trifle with God's gospel—until death and judgment overtake them.
Reader, are you putting off your salvation until some fair tomorrow? "Today" is God's appointed time; tomorrow you may be in eternity.
"Christ died for our sins
according to the Scriptures ...
He was buried, and... He rose
again the third day according
to the Scriptures.”