Notes and Comments: A Royal Proclamation

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There is a ring of true faith in the Lord Jesus Christ in the proclamation made by the new King of Sweden to his people.
It is truly refreshing in these days of departure from the truth. Let us continue in prayer for kings and all in eminent places, according to the exhortation of the Scriptures (1 Tim. 2:1, 2), not only that we may live quietly, peaceably, and honestly, but that the saving knowledge of God’s grace in Christ may be experienced by many amongst them.
“God’s mercies are new every morning. It is because of this that we, though feeling the burden of sorrow and the weight of responsibility that is put upon us, yet with confidence and hope bring to you, at this change of year, our Royal greeting.
“While we think of the overwhelming loss which we and all our people suffered when the highly gifted, loving, and, in his work as ruler, deeply experienced prince, King Oscar II., was called hence; and besides, look back over the past year, and all the lights and shadows that spread themselves over the memories of it, yet it is the goodness of God that shines most brightly before our eyes. With mercy God came to the dearly beloved father of us and of our country to give him deliverance and peace.
“Therefore, let us give thanks for all to our God and Father in the name of Jesus Christ.
“We show poor gratitude to God if we are disobedient to Him and reject His best gifts. Our consciences accuse us of manifold disobedience against God; and in our country, even during the past year, startling individual outbreaks of crime have occurred, and the habitual sins of our nation seem undiminished. The divisions among the people have continued, and have assumed even more threatening aspects. ‘Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? Or why then is not the health of the daughter of My people recovered?’
“The great cure for our wounds is to be had. God’s mercy, given through Jesus Christ, removes the guilt of sin, subdues the power of evil, gives treasures more precious than gold or earthly power, and brings forth a love which breaks down barriers, and levels unequal lots. But few heed it. Few have patience to wait for the quiet working of inward powers to overcome difficulties.
“There is widespread indifference to Christ, and even blasphemy against Him may be heard. No one among us can say that he has with word and life so earnestly opposed evil and witnessed for truth and right that he has no share in the responsibility for prevailing sins; and heavy is the responsibility which rests upon a people which rejects God’s saving grace. Changes and improvements are indeed sought after in our times, but the most important change and improvement is a universal conversion to God. Let us, each for himself and unitedly, confess our sins, and ask God, for Jesus Christ’s sake, to forgive our iniquities and heal our diseases.
“By the Reformation the subjects of heart-conversion and God’s unspeakably great Gift to broken hearts were emphasized with a clearness which shines out in the history of the world. May, therefore, the memory of the Reformation be blessed amongst us Let us follow its exhortations, to hold to the Word of God, seek the righteousness with which God clothes us, and aim at such a development and activity of life as shall be like a plant growing out of love and faith in the heart. The gospel of Jesus Christ, which the Reformation brought anew into the light, like the gold of truth, cleansed from the dross of the inventions of man, shone clearly for Gustavus Adolphus, his people, and army, and it has lost neither its glory nor its power.
“In spite of much enmity shown towards the gospel of Christ, we see it, even in our times, bring about blessed effects, both in Christendom and in the heathen world.
As living seeds are borne over the sea and germinate on foreign shores, so does the gospel of Christ come to heathen lands. Since we also assist in this work, may it be done with such truth and love as will show that we deeply desire to present to our fellow-men in far-off countries a gift which has for ourselves a priceless value!
“The chief condition for all uplifting of the soul, and the gathering of our people into a solid unity and to strenuous effort towards high ends, is that what has in itself an imperishable worth should also be dear to our hearts. The zeal of many to make the Fatherland precious to the Swedish people is rich in promise; but still more promising will it be if we as well, and before all else, have one and the same precious faith, one hope, one Saviour, and one God who is the Father of us all. Then we may expect the Lord’s help for the country and ourselves in the days to come; and we may be certain that during the new year and at its close we shall have abundant cause to thank our God for spiritual or temporal blessing.
“So we command and admonish you all―clergy and laity, young and old, men and women, who in our kingdom have your habitation, dwell, and live, none excepted, of whatsoever estate and condition he may be, who is not by absolute necessity prevented ― that you, on four days for general thanksgiving, fasting, repentance, and prayer, which we, according to good and ancient custom, have appointed and ordained to be kept in the year 1908―Sundays, 8th March, path May, 12th July, and 18th October―set aside all worldly occupation, and early, with one accord, betake yourselves to the House of God, and there unitedly consider His Holy Word in the specially appointed portions, with prayer and songs of praise.”
A Christian friend writes: “There has been a great revival here in Los Angeles. Daily there have been four to five open-air meetings in daylight, not going out from any particular church, assembly, or meeting, but everyone was addressed on the principal streets, and anyone could speak, preaching Christ. Many have been converted, not only through this, but through the evening papers giving what the speakers said.
In this way the gospel was broadcast. It reminds me so much of what Paul says in Phil. 1:18.
Another mission held meetings in three places every night. Those places were in front of theaters and saloons, or public houses as you call them in England, and during last year they recorded from this so-called street mission over 300 converted. Though this is in weakness we can rejoice and thank the Lord for it.”
Another friend informs us of a great movement in Philadelphia, whereby about 30,000 people have been gathered every day, and have been listening to the gospel more or less clearly preached. Hundreds have already professed conversion. We cannot be insensible to the fact that God is calling upon men in these closing days of the dispensation to repent and believe the gospel. Some may see much to find fault with in the methods employed by others, but we surely cannot but thank God that in these days of increasing infidelity so many of His people are being wakened up to care for the masses around them. Surely the coming of the Lord draweth nigh!
Another writes to us of the wide-open door in Italy. The people are breaking away from the bondage of priestcraft, and the Bible is being circulated as never before. We are personally acquainted with several earnest and sound laborers in that land who desire prayer for guidance and help at this crisis in the religious history of Italy.
England, on the other hand, is returning to the darkness of Rome. Infidelity and superstition are rapidly on the increase. A friend writes from a small country district near the east coast: “Last week we were all amazed to see, on the high road facing the Roman Catholic chapel, a life-size figure of our blessed Lord on the cross. The figure was dead white, on a black cross, and on the road! It was so terrible to look at that everyone was quite upset, and Mr.― and Mr.― went to the priest, and requested him at once to remove it, or they should do so. He did so, and it now is against the back of the chapel facing the road! It is so painful, and the feeling is so strong about it, which is a blessing. What a bold, insolent move on the part of the Roman Catholics! It only shows what they mean.”
With all the enemies of Christ and the gospel marshalling their forces, how sad to see the Christians often quarreling with one another; instead of shoulder to shoulder, heart to heart, and hand in hand, striving together for the truth of the gospel.