A correspondent (W. H. M.) sends the following note on a remark in p. 107. “The following explains how the rainbow was not set in the cloud till Noah’s time. There was no rain till the flood, (see Genesis 2:5) consequently no rainbow. The first mention of rain upon the earth is in Genesis 7:14. It was then the windows of heaven were opened. It may be objected that rain was necessary to the growth of plants &c., and so must have been before, but in Genesis 2:5, we are told that a mist went up and watered the ground, and it is most probable that the earth was so watered until the flood. Is it not suggestive that what first descended in judgment, now descends in blessing (Matthew 5:45)? so for the Christian the fierceness of the judgment of God borne by him in Christ (the ark), condemning totally sin in the flesh, becomes now his blessing when applied practically to that flesh in delivering him from it and its evil fruits, and setting him free to bring forth fruit unto God.”