Notes of an Address on Ministry.

2 Corinthians 4‑6
2 Cor. 4-6.
WHEN the apostle speaks to Timothy of the perilous times (2 Timothy 3), he puts two things before him; viz., “my doctrine” and “the Scriptures.” He says, “Thou hast fully known my doctrine,” and “from a child thou hast known the Holy Scriptures.” Now “all they in Asia” had given up the point; they had turned away, as Paul writes, “from me”―that is, from the truth, specially entrusted to the apostle Paul. “Manner of life” necessarily followed “my doctrine.”
It is very important that we should understand what the ministry really is, what God’s heart is toward man. The lepers (2 Kings 7:4) literally found that there was only ruin where they were, but that boundless provision was secured for them elsewhere. God has unfolded Himself. His heart is declared by the Son of His love, ―the only one who could declare it.
Moses prays, “Show me thy glory.” But the ministry now is, that beholding the Lord, then I possess it; I am transformed into the same image. Stephen expected Jesus to come from glory. He is shown the glory, and then taken to it. The Holy Ghost reveals Jesus to him in the glory; and he dies, and goes to glory. Thus Stephen is the example of a happy deathbed. But Paul, through the ministry of the glory, can live and walk here a happy death-bed; as he says, “Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be manifest in our body.” Stephen, because of his link with Jesus in glory, can rise superior over death and suffering here, spending his last moments in prayer for his murderers. Paul could walk in death here because of his present possessions in glory. One could go out of the world superior to every grievance in it; and the other could stay in it superior to every affliction in it.
The Jews had rejected the testimony of the Holy Ghost in the person of Stephen. The citizens now proclaimed, in the stoning of Stephen, “We will not have this man to reign over us.” And God now announces, in effect, “As man has refused my Son His own place on earth, I will take my people to be with Him in glory.” Hence Jesus is revealed to Saul of Tarsus in glory. All blessing now springs from the glory. It is the source, and this is the ministry. In the glory Christ identifies the Church on earth with Himself. The light now for a sinner’s soul is the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God: Mount Sinai is REVERSED. The glory then was fatal to him who approached near to it; and it was a ministry of condemnation. God was demanding righteousness, and there was none. It is now the ministry of righteousness. We have our Saviour in the glory. The glory imparts to me. I possess it. My home is there. God’s own Son has come forth and borne the judgment. He has established righteousness. And God, from the depths of His heart, can assure my soul that my place is nigh unto Himself in glory.
The Son has done everything. He made the world at first, and finished it up with man, through whom sin entered, and consequent judgment on all. He then became a man, bore the judgment on man, rises out of it, and, beginning with man, He makes all things new, until in the end there will be a new heaven and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. We are now united to Jesus Christ the Son of God in glory. I not only behold the glory, I possess it. I am changed into the same image, from glory to glory, by the Spirit of the Lord. I am not merely expecting glory, as a poor man with great expectations, but I possess all things. I am a rich man among the destitute. The power of the glory even now forms me into that which suits itself, as it will fully into His likeness when He shall appear. The soul thus linked with Christ is in the highest condition and position possible for a creature. The dying thief is in a moment transferred into it.
Stephen dies, and surveys it before he enters it. Paul possesses it, and walks down here having nothing, and yet possessing all things. The disclosures which Christ had made on earth of the Father’s feelings about the prodigal can now be verified and enjoyed.
Christ presses on souls the good of His work, and not simply the work itself. Souls will never have power to walk here if their hearts are not sustained by the power of the glory, the fatted calf, the great supper, where they can only be satisfied to the full. If you be risen with Christ, seek the things which are above. If you be not risen with Christ, you are in the thing out of which He is risen. As an illustration, I may say you ought to be a butterfly―you were a caterpillar. Be occupied with flying. Walk in the spirit, and you will mortify the deeds of the body. A saint is like a diamond—a diamond holds the light. The greater the light you are in, the more you know your blessed position—the more the diamond shines. We are now children of the light. The moment you draw near Christ you will feel the light, and it will detect you—you begin to see yourself. Christ shines in you the moment you are awakened; and that is light which doth make manifest. I first see myself, like one coming into a room hung with mirrors; but all of myself being reproved, then Christ Himself fills my heart, and I am transformed into His likeness morally. I POSSESS the glory. I live and enjoy the circle of delights then in fellowship with the Father and the Son. My joy is full. I am rich among the destitute here; so rich that though they cannot impart to me, yet I, though poor, can make many rich. Thus the ministry of the glory makes me a minister of it; for, like Caleb, I not only have taken of the grapes of the land, but the land itself is my possession. The Lord lead our souls to understand and enjoy our present position in Christ in glory, that we may truly witness for Him down here.