The coach blew his whistle, and four strong boys dove instantaneously. In a few seconds they were skimming through the water, almost gliding over it, as they raced to the other end of the pool. When they were halfway, the coach’s whistle signaled the next four to start. They dove in as the next four poised themselves on the diving platforms. By this time the first four were headed back up their lanes, straining every muscle to win the round. As they climbed out, the coach nodded his approval, and they got back in line to dive again.
Again and again the coach’s whistle sounded, and evening after evening the boys came to practice. No wonder there were so many “Boys’ Swim Team Champions” pennants on the walls of the pool area. And underneath the pennants was a motto: “NOTHING BEHIND YOU MATTERS.”
Any champion swimmer or runner will tell you they have been trained never to look back during a race. Looking back to see how far they have come or how close the next racer is breaks the rhythm or the stride. It makes them lose a little time, and usually that time can never be made up. What a good motto that is for those swimmers. It reminds them not to look back, but only to press forward.
Believers in Christ have been given these same guidelines. Paul told the Philippians, “This one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:1314). The finish line for Christians is that entrance into heaven and seeing our Saviour face to face. Forget past accomplishments or discouraging failures: “NOTHING BEHIND YOU MATTERS”! Press toward the finish line . . . it’s very close!