Nothing to Pay

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 7
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A visitor was riding his bicycle in the West Indies some time ago, and as it was evening when he arrived at his destination, he went into a restaurant and ordered a meal. It was promptly served and he had a good supper, but when he asked for the bill, he was surprised when the waiter told him there wasn’t anything to pay!
He couldn’t understand this. It was the first time he had been there, and he did not know the owner. He asked why it was there was no charge for his good supper.
“It’s my birthday today,” explained the proprietor, “and I always celebrate it by serving a free meal.”
“Well, thank you very much,” said the traveler. “Never before have I experienced such a thing-many happy returns to you!”
As he left he thought, “Here I am a stranger. I’ve done nothing to deserve a meal like this, yet it was given to me absolutely free.”
It reminded him of the story the Lord Jesus told to illustrate God’s great and free salvation. A great supper was provided, and when those invited wouldn’t come, all sorts of people were brought in from the streets and highways and treated to a splendid meal. It must have cost a great deal of money to provide such a feast, but although they had done nothing to deserve it, and had nothing to pay, still it didn’t cost them anything!
God’s salvation is offered free to all, but it cost the life of the blessed Lord Jesus to provide so great salvation. It is offered as a free gift to people like you and me who have done nothing to deserve it. Have you received that wonderful gift and thanked the Giver for it?
“The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Rom. 6:23.