November 13

Revelation 1:13
“And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of Man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle” — Revelation 1:13.
IF, like John, we are in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day we too shall be able to see the Son of Man as He walks in the midst of the churches. For it is of these the candlesticks, or lampstands, speak. It is both precious and solemnizing to know that He, the risen, glorified Lord, is moving about among His churches and taking note of all that goes on; commending for everything that is according to His Word, and condemning all that is merely of the flesh and not of the Spirit. Magnificent in His robes of glory, the sword, which is the Word of God, proceeds from His mouth, and His feet like as fine brass, glowing with furnace heat, are quick to stamp out all that dishonors His name.
As we gaze upon His countenance, which is as the sun shineth in his strength, we remember that it is written, “Unto you that fear My name shall the Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in His wings.” He is not in the midst to condemn, though He is too faithful to allow evil to remain unrebuked, but He is among us to revive and restore, that we may glorify Him the more.
“Jesus, where’er Thy people meet,
There they behold Thy mercy-seat;
Where’er they seek Thee, Thou art found;
And every place is hallowed ground.
For Thou, within no walls confined,
Inhabitest the humble mind;
Such ever bring Thee where they come,
And going, take Thee to their home.
Great Shepherd of Thy chosen few!
Thy former mercies here renew;
Here to our waiting hearts proclaim
The sweetness of Thy saving name.”