“I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept My word, and hast not denied My name” — Revelation 3:8.
THE church in Philadelphia had the Lord’s approval throughout. Yet it was not a great or strong company. It consisted of a few to whom Christ was precious and which had little strength. That strength was derived from feeding upon and obedience to the Word of the Lord. To those who kept His Word and did not deny His name He promised an open door of opportunity for service. We may be sure of the same today. No matter how perplexing the times in which our lot is cast, He who opens and no man shuts, and who shuts and no man opens, will open for us a door of service that we may maintain a constant witness to His saving grace. We do not have to be great and mighty in order to be useful Christians. Where there is a little strength and a heart of devotion He can use us and make us a means of blessing to others. And when our testimony here is ended we shall be given a place of recognition in the Holy City which descends from God out of heaven where we shall enjoy fellowship with Christ and all the redeemed throughout the ages to come.
“I longed the world to compass
And many souls to save,
To tell the glorious gospel
Across the oceans wave.
A humble place He gave me
And tasks some might call mean,
Yet in His choice and purpose
Is infinite wisdom seen.”
—E. W. C.