November 24

Revelation 5:6
“I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth” — Revelation 5:6.
WHEN the announcement was made in heaven that the Lion of the tribe of Judah had prevailed and was worthy to take the title-deeds to the universe and loose the seals thereof, John looked for a Lion, but beheld a Lamb. The two are identical, and speak of our Lord as the conquering King and the Sacrificial Victim. He died upon the cross for our sins and now He is seen in the midst of the throne as a Lamb who had once been offered in sacrifice. He bears upon His glorified body the marks of His passion, and to all eternity these will be the mute witnesses of a love that was stronger than death.
As we gaze by faith upon His once-marred face how our hearts should go out to Him in worship and thanksgiving as we remember that it was love for us that brought Him from the throne of glory to the cross of shame. Some day He will take His great power and reign. Then all redeemed creation will be subject to the Lamb who once was slain, but lives eternally to bless all who trust in Him.
“What equal honors shall we bring
To Thee, O Lord our God, the Lamb,
When all the notes that angels sing,
Are far inferior to Thy name?
Worthy is He that once was slain,
The Prince of Peace that groaned and died,
Worthy to rise and live, and reign,
At His Almighty Father’s side.”