“Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads” — Revelation 7:3.
IN every age God has had His elect who have not bowed the knee to Baal nor been carried away with the errors of their times.
Those who shall bear the seal of God in their foreheads as His judgments are being poured upon the earth will be delivered from the power of the enemy, even as His faithful witnesses have been sustained by His might and enabled to triumph by faith in all past ages.
God never permits any hour of trial to come to pass without arranging beforehand for the security of His own sealed ones. Nothing can touch them but what His love allows, and everything that He permits will work out for their good either in time or eternity.
His angels ever restrain the winds of adversity until He has sealed those who are to be His witnesses in the time of distress and tribulation. He works everything according to the counsel of His own will.
“How happy are the little flock,
Who, safe beneath their guardian-rock,
In all commotions rest!
When war’s and tumult’s waves run high,
Unmoved, above the storm they lie,
They lodge in Jesus’ breast.
Whatever ills the world befall
A pledge of endless good we call.
A sign of Jesus near;
His chariot will not long delay:
We hear the rumbling wheels, and pray,—
Triumphant Lord, appear!”
―Charles Wesley.