Now I Cannot Come

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Solemn indeed are the words of the Lord Jesus to those who would not come to Him that they might have life— “I go My way and ye shall seek Me, and shall die in your sins: whither I go ye cannot come.” (John 8:21.)
When too late they would look for the Saviour, but in vain.
Do not put off the day of salvation to the future.
“O” perhaps you say, “I have heard that Christ the Saviour will receive sinners whenever and wherever they turn to Him. I mean to turn to Him by and by.”
But you forget you are making your bed, and may have to lie upon it.
Hear what an aged man of great wealth said to an earnest preacher: “I would give all the money I possess if I could have faith. But it is too late. I turned from all the pleadings of God when I was young, determined that I would be rich, and now I cannot come.”
He was held fast by a golden chain which was costing him his soul.
He had resisted and refused and rejected the grace of God until he felt past salvation. His soul was bound now, and he had to say, “I cannot come.”
Now come to Christ. Now receive Him. Now confess Him as your Saviour and Lord, lest the day arrive when you too will have to say, “I cannot come.”
ML 10/24/1943