They tempted the Lord, saying, Is the Lord among us, or not? Exodus 17:7
XO 17:7{Unbelief and forgetfulness are the only shadows which can come between us and the Lord's presence, though, when they have once made the separation, there is room for all others. Otherwise, though all the shadows of earth fell around, none could fall between; and their very darkness could only intensify the brightness of the pavilion in which we dwell, the secret of His presence. They could not touch what one has called "the unutterable joy of shadow less communion." What shall we say to our Lord tonight? He says, "I am with you alway." Shall we not put away all the captious contradictoriness of quotations of our imperfect and double-fettered experience, and say to Him, lovingly, confidingly, gratefully, "Thou art with me!”
He is with thee! With thee always,
All the nights and all the days;
Never failing, never frowning,
With His lovingkindness crowning,
Tuning all thy life to praise.