October 22

Hebrews 12:26
“Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven” — Hebrews 12:26.
ARE we so walking with God that we can go on in trustful confidence even though we know this world and its Christless religion will soon pass away? Everything that men generally look upon as stable and secure is destined to be shaken to pieces and utterly destroyed. He whose hopes are centered only in earthly things is destined to a terrible awakening when he shall behold all for which he has lived and labored, slipping from his grasp, and he himself going down with it unto eternal ruin. But he who knows Christ and sets his affection on things above will have that which will abide “in the wreck of matter and the crash of worlds.” The believing heart is fixed upon God Himself and upon those things which cannot be shaken but shall abide forever.
How short-sighted is the man who in his eagerness to accumulate wealth puts all his money in bags that have holes, and builds his house upon the shifting sands of time! He only is wise whose treasure is in heaven and who builds upon Christ the Rock of Ages.
“While created things are wasting,
Still our God abides the same:
All His words are everlasting,
All His works His love proclaim.
Blood-bought children.
Sing we praises to His name!”