Oh! Come to Jesus, Children, Come

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 3
Oh! come to Jesus, children, come,
Don't delay, don't delay;
Secure a place in heaven's bright home,
While 'tis day, while 'tis day;
That blessed home is filling fast,
And mercy's day will soon be past,
Soon saints shall hear the trumpet's blast;
Come away, come away.
Oh, sad, if thou shouldst be too late—
Don't delay, don't delay;
Arise, and enter mercy's gate,
While 'tis day, while 'tis day;
A loving Saviour will appear
To meet thee, and to bless thee, there;
Draw nigh and His salvation share;
Come away, come away.
His blood can wash the vilest clean,
Don't delay, don't delay;
Oh, come, confessing what thou'st been,
While 'tis day, while 'tis day;
A full salvation, vast and free,
Wrought out, by Christ, awaiteth thee;
Come then at once, and happy be;
Come away, come away.