246. Oh, for the Robe of Whiteness
by J.N.D., suggested by Miss C.L. Smith
Oh, for the robe of whiteness,
To walk with Christ in light!
Oh, for the glorious brightness
We would a name of favor,
Graved on the stone of white;
We’d taste that manna’s flavor,
Reserved for heaven’s delight.
’Tis sweet, the thought of rising
Or changed, ourselves surprising,
Like Him for whom we wait.
What joy supreme in seeing
The Savior face to face —
The peaceful joy of being
Jesus, Thou King of glory,
We soon shall dwell with Thee,
And sing Thy love’s bright story,
E’en now our souls would enter
That all our love might center
On Thee who cam’st to die.
At God’s right hand in glory
Thou sitt’st, Thy work complete,
That gives us too our seat.
Then o’er the wide creation
Thy power will stretch its arm;
Secure from all temptation,
Free from all human harm.