298. Oh Haste Away, My Brethren Dear

by I. Watts
Oh haste away, my brethren dear,
And come to Canaan’s shore;
We’ll meet and sing forever there,
When all our toils are o’er.
Oh that will be joyful, joyful, joyful!
Oh that will be joyful!
To meet to part no more,
To meet to part no more,
On Canaan’s happy shore.
And then sing Hallelujah,
With the saints that have gone before.
In bridal robes, all clothed in white,
Will all His saints appear:
And, shining in His glory bright,
We’ll see our Jesus there.
Oh that will be joyful, joyful, joyful!
Oh that will be joyful!
To meet to part no more,
To meet to part no more,
On Canaan’s happy shore.
And then sing Hallelujah,
With the saints that have gone before.
In heaven triumphant joy is found
When sons to God are born;
How will its vaults with praise resound
On the millennial morn!
Oh that will be joyful, joyful, joyful!
Oh that will be joyful!
To meet to part no more,
To meet to part no more,
On Canaan’s happy shore.
And then sing Hallelujah,
With the saints that have gone before.
In Canaan’s happy land we’ll meet
To chant this glorious lay;
Our hearts, well tuned, will sing so sweet,
Through one eternal day.
Oh that will be joyful, joyful, joyful!
Oh that will be joyful!
To meet to part no more,
To meet to part no more,
On Canaan’s happy shore.
And then sing Hallelujah,
With the saints that have gone before.
Through one eternal day we’ll sing,
And bless His sacred name,
With "Hallelujahs to the King!"
And "Worthy is the Lamb!"
Oh that will be joyful, joyful, joyful!
Oh that will be joyful!
To meet to part no more,
To meet to part no more,
On Canaan’s happy shore.
And then sing Hallelujah,
With the saints that have gone before.
Note: Roll over or tap on a stanza number to view some verses suggested by that stanza.