"Oh, How He Loves Me!"

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 5
"Do not say God loves me. He does not.
The only friend I had in the world died three months ago, and I am left alone. If God loved or cared for me, how could He treat me so?"
These impassioned words were spoken by a young lady, dressed in deep mourning, whom I found seated on a grave. She seemed to be oblivious to all around, absorbed in her grief and weeping bitterly.
Death had suddenly taken from her the father on whom she had leaned. He had watched over her most tenderly since, as a child, she had been bereft of her mother. Now she was alone in the world no one to care, to provide, to cherish her. In her days of sorrow, she had no loved one to comfort her.
Knowing the sore trials she was passing through, I hoped that some word of God's grace might reach her aching heart. Quietly I approached the place where she sat; and after a few words of condolence and reference to her departed parent whom I had known in business, I spoke of the love of God as shown forth in the gift of His dear Son, and of the peace that comes to the heart that receives Him.
After that one wild out-burst she listened quietly, but soon showed that she had no knowledge of such a God, and no desire for Him.
I could say little more, but I gave her an urgent invitation to attend some meetings which were being conducted in the little town. Then I lifted up my heart to God and asked that He might reveal His love as manifested on the cross of Calvary to this sorrow-stricken one. I knew that nothing short of Christ and a saving knowledge of God could help her bear her loss and grief.
On the following Lord's Day evening, to my joy I saw her enter the hall with one who had been converted during the meetings. The fresh and fragrant words of John 3:1616For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16) were the subject of that evening's address. She listened with marked attention to the Word all the time. At the close a hymn was sung:
"I know not why, I only cry:
Oh, how He loves me!"
These lines were repeated until they had a wonderful power over the heart. At the close, the bereaved girl laid hold of her companion's arm, saying: "I see it now; God proved His love for ME at the cross. Oh, how.
He loved me!"
Peace filled her lonely heart, and she could say: "Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning." Psalm 30:55For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favor is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. (Psalm 30:5).