Oh, How He Loves!

“His is love beyond all other, Oh, how He loves.”
SOMEONE in Canada told me this. A mother loved her son dearly and she packed him up a parcel; she thought a lot about it and what she put in it, and she carried it down to the village and posted it off to him herself. He took it in and wrote across it, “I don’t want your love and I won’t have your gift,” and he posted it back again! “Oh!” you exclaim, “I’d never do that to my mother!” Well, Someone loves you far more than any mother, and He has sent you a gift. “The gift of God is eternal life” (Rom. 6:23), and He put in it the forgiveness of all your sins, and the Holy Spirit, and heaven to be your home, and other things beside. It cost Him more than all the money in the world, for it cost Him His own life blood on the Cross. “Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, He was buried, and He rose again according to the Scriptures.” What have you done about it? Have you, in your heart, sent it back and said “I don’t want Your love and I won’t have Your gift? “Think about it now. Spend a little while thinking about it and how you have treated Him.
A boy said to me, “How can I come to Him; how do I do it? “Well, you don’t go up in an aeroplane, and you don’t die, and you don’t go to any certain place to come to Him. You just kneel down and tell Him you come! The boy knelt down and told Him then.
And if you can’t kneel down, you think it to Him in your heart. “Lord Jesus, I’m a sinner. I know I deserve hell, but I come to Thee now and take Thee as my Saviour. I mean it. Thank You for dying for me.” Amen.
“I take Thy gift, O Lord, I give myself to Thee,
For I believe Thy word that Thou hast died for ME.”
Ah! the One Who died to save you rose again and lives to keep you! His is love beyond a mother’s. Oh! how He loves! Read Isaiah 49:15. “Can a woman forget her child... yea they may forget, yet will I not forget thee.” Blessed Saviour! Would you know Him? Oh! how He loves. Give yourself entirely to Him. Oh! how He loves! “We will remember Thy love” (Song of Sol. 1:4). Yes, that’s what He wants you to do now! Let it sweeten and change your whole life. Read His Word, His love letter to your own heart, and thank Him over and over again, for Oh! what His salvation means! “Not only snatched from burning hell, but to God’s bosom brought!” Yes, He makes us “accepted in the Beloved” (Eph. 1:6). His Own righteousness He puts upon us, and God sees us in Him — to be before God in Christ forever. Think of it — let the joy of His love flood your whole soul now and forever! “The Son of God Who loved me and gave Himself for me” (Gal. 2:20).
Love moved Him to die, I cannot tell why
But this I can tell, He loved me so well
He laid down His life, to save me from hell.