184. Oh, Remember! Oh, Remember
Oh, remember! Oh, remember!
At what price the Savior bought thee;
To redeem thee, home to bring thee,
From the throne He came and sought thee.
Glory’s splendor He surrendered,
Shame despising for thy prizing —
Oh, remember! Oh, remember!
What that night thy sins prepared Him,
Deep abasement, sore amazement,
Not one tithe of anguish spared Him.
Wrath’s awaking — God’s forsaking —
Thou didst earn it, He has borne it —
Oh, remember! Oh, remember!
He Himself in death has given
To redeem thee, home to bring thee —
Child of wrath — as heir of heaven.
From earth’s sorrow, judgment’s morrow,
He has drawn thee, mercy shown thee —