110. Oh, Turn Now! Oh, Turn Now! For Why Will You Die
Oh, turn now! Oh, turn now! For why will you die,
When God, in great mercy, is coming so nigh?
Now Jesus invites you; the Spirit says, "Come,"
And angels are waiting to welcome you home.
Come while you may! Come while you may!
Take God’s free salvation, ’tis offered today!
How vain the delusion, that while you delay
Your hearts may grow better by staying away;
Come wretched, come starving, come, happy to be,
While streams of salvation are flowing so free.
Oh, how can we leave you? Why will you not come?
’Tis Jesus entreats you, He bids you come home;
Oh, turn now! Oh, turn now! For why will you die,
When God, in great mercy, is coming so nigh?