I love Thy saints, Lord Jesus!
For they are one with Thee;
They bear Thy holy likeness,
Faint though the impress be:
“One body and one Spirit,”
Truth to my soul, how dear!
No union so enduring,
No earthly tie so near!
But were the bond united
To all the world displayed —
The light in beauty shining
O’er all this death-dark shade —
Witness that Christ, the sent One,
Among us came to dwell,
To do the Father’s bidding,
The love of God to tell.
Mark how the foe confederate
Their banners raise on high,
The Word of God unheeded,
Or spurned with mockery;
While we are seen halfhearted,
A feeble scattered band,
Who, one in mind and spirit,
For all the truth should stand.
Be Christ our one true center,
The Holy Ghost our guide;
“Love in the truth” be flowing
To saints on every side;
One hope our hearts possessing —
Our coming Lord to see;
Thus should we dwell, as brethren,
In holy unity!