THERE is something very remarkable about what is written of "One God and Father of all," in Eph. 4:6. (1) " Who is over all, and (2) through all, and (3) in all." I compare it with 1 Cor. 15:24; "To God and Father," i.e.,” to (Him who is) God and Father." It is very obvious that in 1 Cor. 15:24, it is " God and Father " (of all), as in Eph. 4:6—" One God and Father of all." It is not in either place the Father of Christians (though the same Person who is so), but the first Person of the Trinity that is designated Father..It is not in His relationship in Christ to us, but in His mode of existence. It is God the Father in His creatorial, providential, and all-pervading nature who is spoken of. He is no doubt all this to Christians, but there is their added relationship to Him as God and Father in Christ: "My Father and your Father my God and your God " (also see Eph. 1:3-6).
“In all " (Eph. 4:6) is the true reading: not " in you all," which was the mere gloss of acknowledge, and because they did not see that it was " God and Father of all " in universal sovereignty as having all in His possession. They thought it must refer to the Church. But it is true that He who is God and Father of the universe, is He who in Christ Jesus is the Father of all who believe in the Son of God, and have the son standing.
This (v. 6) is God and the universe, and shows the all-comprehending sweep and magnitude of that into which we have been brought in Christ Jesus.
The unity is threefold.
(1) One Spirit and one Body.
(2)One Lord and one Christendom.
(3)One God, who is Father of all, and One Universe.