One Hour With God

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 5
Lord, in Thee my soul delighteth,
Thou hast won my wayward heart!
Now, enraptured with Thy beauty,
From Thee I can never part;
And what are all this world’s attractions
Like one look from Thy dear eyes?
‘Tis the sunshine of Thy presence
Makes me all things else despise.
Oh! the deep delight and solace!
When of cares I have a load;
Free from this poor world’s distractions,
Just to spend one hour with God;
In His holy presence, changing
All my weakness for His strength;
Proving thus His grace sufficient,
Till He brings me home at length.
Oh, the sweetness of communion,
Precious Saviour, holy Lord!
Taste I, in its sacred pleasure,
Joys which earth can ne’er afford;
Close beside Thee, list’ning ever
To the music of Thy voice,
Learn I all those wondrous secrets
Which my ransom’d soul rejoice.
In those rays of heavenly glory
Ever shining in Thy face,
Would I ceaselessly adore Thee,
Singing of Thy woundless grace;
Jesus, everlasting Lover,
I am Thine, and Thine alone!
Till I’m with Thee in the glory,
Keep my hand within Thine own!
S. T.