In one of the Western States there lived a little girl named Annie. When she was brought to the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ as her Saviour, the news spread through the place, and a friend, who had long been acquainted with her, said to her father,
“It’s all nonsense for your Annie to think she has been converted. She was just like a little angel always. I don’t believe in religion’s making her any better; she was good enough before. If Dan Hunter, now, could be turned round and made a Christian of, I’d believe in it.”
Little this man thought how his words would affect Annie, who was listening to them. They filled her heart with pity for poor Dan, a well-known bad character; and longing to share with him the glad tidings that had been blessed to her own soul, she went to his wretched home, and told him of the love of Christ for sinners, even the vist. She asked him if he, too, did not need. the Saviour whom she had found.
Poor old Dan! his heart was touched. Perhaps no one had ever before spoken so lovingly to him. And sometimes the hardest heart will be melted by love, while it is only made harder by severity.
So we find Dan on his knees, weeping and crying out,
“Lord, have mercy on the worst of sinners.”
We know that such a cry as that is always heard; and before Annie left, she had the joy of hearing the old man praising God for His goodness in saving a wretch like him.
And now Dan, in his turn, became a messenger of peace to others. In proclaiming the love of God, he would say,
“It’s the same gospel, the very same gospel, that so blessed little Annie. You wouldn’t think it could be, such dreadful sinner as I’ve been! But the same Lord who takes little children in His arms, and blesses them, saves the chief of sinners too. It’s true.
“Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out.” John 6:37.
ML 01/14/1945