One Thing Needful.

Luke 10:42
THEY only who have learned of Jesus Christ, who, sit at His feet and rest in His presence can serve Him acceptably. What a revelation of the secret of effectual service is Luke 10:42! The soul of Martha was completely occupied with her service, but Mary found her heart’s satisfaction in sitting at the feet of the Lord and receiving from Him those words of life and grace which He communicated.
Christ Himself and not service must be our heart’s object. In this path we are kept lowly and have neither time nor inclination to complain of the shortcomings of others. The enjoyment of His presence and communion with Himself destroys all self-importance.
Martha was oppressed with her service, but Mary had rest of soul in the Lord’s presence. Divine intelligence followed, so that at the right moment she came forward and served acceptably (John 12:1-8).
Some of us find it difficult to take this place and keep it. Busied with our own plans, and filled with a sense of our own importance, we miss the blessedness of that rest and peace in which He trod this weary world (Matt. 11:25-30). It was so perfectly enjoyed by Him even in times of the deepest discouragement, when such scriptures as Isaiah 49:3 found fulfillment in His experience upon earth as God’s servant, bringing the deepest sorrow to His heart (for He felt the contempt of His people profoundly).
He thus turned to the Father in true submission to His will, and found His own deep joy in all the way that led to the accomplishment of the Father’s counsels. This was natural to Him as a perfect dependent man. It often happens that we reach it by a path of discipline because of the perversity of our nature. G. S. B.