Only a Baby

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Can you imagine a little island overgrown by the jungle where dark-skinned natives live in straw huts, lost in the immense stretches of water of the Southern Pacific? For two years Alex and Billie had worked there, with hearts eager to tell these people that God loved them just as much as the rest of the world, because He had given His Beloved Son to die for them.
First the two young missionaries had built a bungalow on the hill overlooking the village. Then as they learned the strange language of the island, they tried to tell the natives how to find peace for their souls by believing that God’s Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, had been punished for everyone of them, because they were sinners. God was ready to forgive them forever.
But strange, to say they refused to listen, for, said they, such words and such news were only good for the white man.
However, Alex and Billie kept on trying, and, better still, they prayed earnestly. God had sent them here, for He “is not willing that ANY should perish, but that ALL should come to repentance”. Sometimes they would have decided to give up had it not been for this Scripture. If God cared so much for these ignorant natives, they had no reason not to.
One morning as the sun was gilding the tops of the palm trees of the dark jungle, a funeral procession filed out of the village. The two young men hurried down in the hope of an opportunity of speaking about their Blessed Saviour. The chief’s wife had died and was being buried with her live baby. Filled with indignation at this cruel act, Billie tried to stop it;
“No, O, no!” he cried, “why kill the helpless child?” But the chief gave orders to proceed.
“Who wants to look after somebody else’s child? After all it’s only a baby. It is best to get rid of it.”
The boys protested, but in vain. Suddenly the chief turned towards them with a cynical smile and shouted for all to hear,
“You take the child, if you think it is wrong to kill it. Perhaps the God Who, you say, loves little dark children, too, will keep it alive.”
It was a challenge. After sending up a quick prayer for guidance, Billie jumped forward, picked up the babe, then beckoning to Alex, he strode up the hill while the people looked after him in surprise. Billie knew that the Lord meant him to take it, for in answer to his prayer, had come the verse,
“Suffer the little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.” Mark 10:14.
Once in their home they were soon faced with the problem of caring for it, as the little dark bundle was kicking and crying lustily for food.
“O, what shall we do?” wondered Alex. “we’ve no feeding bottle, and the nearest shop is weeks of travel away, and I’ve never looked after a baby before.”
After trying to pour a cup of goat’s milk down its throat and nearly choking it, they decided that some other way must be found, if they were going to keep it. But God was answering their prayer. It occurred to Billie to fit a clean medicine bottle with the rubber end of a dropper, pierce it, and fill this new feeder with milk. And, lo, it worked, for the baby drank, and expressed its satisfaction with prolonged gurgles.
Could you have peeped in, as did the chief’s messenger, you would have seen a strange prayer meeting. The men were kneeling on each side of the boy, thanking the Lord for helping them in such a wonderful way so far, and praying earnestly for grace to bring him up, to know the Saviour Who had died for him, so that when He would come to make up His jewels, this little one would be among the gems of His crown. With glad hearts they got up feeling sure that God was already answering, and that He would use the child for blessing to this dark spot.
Down in the village the messenger gave a graphic account of the surprising event. Soon every man, woman and child that could come, trooped up the hill to watch the feedings on the verandah. There were hundreds of people. Never before had they seen a feeding bottle. No wonder the sight fascinated them. Suddenly, Lillie realized that this was the opportunity they had prayed for. Then, while Alex held the bottle, he stood up, and, from an overflowing heart, told them the Story that never grows old with telling: how the Creator of all, they could see God’s only Beloved Son, was born a Babe into the world He had made, that, as Man, He might bear their sins in His body on the tree, that they might be healed by His stripes. Now He was seated in Heaven at His Father’s right hand. Because of this sacrifice where His Son willingly shed His precious blood for them, and God was now ready to pardon them, and to deliver them from all fear. Yes, Jesus “was able to save them to the uttermost” if they came to God by Him.
In silence they listened. When the feeding was over they disappeared, only to reappear promptly the next time baby was fed. Day after day the men took turns in proclaiming the Glad Tidings of Jesus’ love. The crowd listened respectfully until one day the old chief broke down and wept for the first time. God’s Word had pierced his conscience. He realized his sinful condition, his helplesess to save himself, and that God was a holy God, and joyfully, he accepted the pardon offered through the Blood of Jesus Christ.
The next day the chief paid a formal call at the bungalow. He begged to be allowed to take back his child. In return for their kindness to it, he promised, to build a large hut where they could teach the people and tell them often about his Saviour.
“I desire above all,” he added, “that you should tell the little ones, so that they early will get to know that their sins are forgiven, because Jesus died for them, and that they might not become such wicked men as their fathers have been.”
If you had, a few years later, visited that lonely island, lost in the Pacific Ocean, you would have met many true Christians. Although their skin is as dark as ever, their hearts have been washed white through the precious Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ that can make even the blackest whiter than snow. Among them you would have met the Chief and his little son. God can use even a little child in order to bring blessing to others and to glorify His Name. He will do so again for we read in Isaiah 11:6,
“A little child shall lead them.” We also read in Mark that the Lord Jesus said to His disciples,
“Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein.”
“For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
“How shall they call on Him Whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in Him of Whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? and how shall they preach, except they be sent?” Romans 10:13-15.
ML 04/25/1943