Only a Penny

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It is wonderful what a penny given by each of God’s true people, old and young, would do, to bring the Gospel to the millions who sit in darkness and the shadow of death. The pennies of a number of saved children given to a missionary, going to a heathen land, enabled him to give to each native in the village where he lived, a Bible. Many of the villagers have been truly converted, and even among those who are not in heart the Lord’s, the Bible has a power and exerts a wonderful influence.
Only a penny I heard them say,
A penny for Jesus if given each day,
Would send the Gospel to every soul
Now sitting in darkness from pole to pole.
Only a penny from every one,
Who bears the name of God’s dear Son.
Only a penny from young and old,
From the lambs of Christ within the fold,
From orphans and widows and all who share,
The love of God, and the Shepherd’s care.
Only a penny from every one
Who is cleansed by the blood of God’s clear Son.
Only a penny to show our love
For Him who left His home above
To die for the world, and whose last command
Was “Preach the Gospel in every land.”
Only a penny from every one
Will send the Gospel of ‘God’s dear Son.
Only a penny, from day to day,
As the years go by, and we haste away
To the glory land, where a ransomed band,
Shall be gathered to Christ out of every land:
All saved by grace, their hearts were won,
By believing the Gospel of God’s dear Son.
“He which soweth sparingly, shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully, shall reap also bountifully.” 2 Corinthians 9:6.
“God loveth a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7.
ML 12/18/1938